Friday, 16 July 2010

K & J

Doing wedding planning for lovely Kate & Jack. We've decided on lots of twinklies, jam jar lights, tissue pom-poms and some other extra-special touches. And of course they want red velvet cupcakes. Probably the most memorable meeting I have (and ever will have) as when I asked Jack to see the ring, he dropped it and we thought it was gone forever. After taking up the decking of The Old Rec with two screwdrivers. Then I saw it glinting in between the slats of the picnic table! Never needed a glass of wine so much in my entire life!


Recently I have only really been listening to Dolly. I love her! Laura is out the office so I can just put her on repeat all day. I have probably listened to this 237082735 times in the last week.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Wow! Coco & T is in reFRESH magazine! Featuring our favorite cake- the wonderful Red Velvet with photo by the fab Justin Dolby. You can buy the issue at larger WH Smiths or in its virtual glory here (page 57).

Summer Party- a success!

We had a fab time at the party hope you did too! x